The drivers of lower operation system will not compatible with the new Windows 10, or the driver files may be missing during installation Windows 10. Therefore, after updating to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, or Windows Vista, you need to install new Lenovo drivers to fix issues.
Manually Update Lenovo Drivers on Windows 10
Usually, we recommended to go to PC manufacturer's website to download the latest driver, which would be most match with the device. You can update drivers for Windows 10 on Lenovo's home page when the new drivers come out. After you find the drivers, you need to manually install them on Lenovo laptop, desktop PC or notebook computer. For example, if your computer is Lenovo Y570, if it is missing network driver, you can find your driver on the official website.
1.Click Start Menu and choose "Control Panel"
In order to get drivers more easily and quickly, you can try to update the drivers with a driver update software. You can get the driver you want with a few clicks. DriverTuner is a useful driver update tool which can scan your computer to detect all corrupted or missing drivers in your computer, then give you best compatible drivers for Windows 10, you can download the drivers automatically. You can get the driver downloaded with only two clicks.
Step1 Download DriverTuner from here
Step2 Install DriverTuner follow the instructions.
Manually Update Lenovo Drivers on Windows 10
Usually, we recommended to go to PC manufacturer's website to download the latest driver, which would be most match with the device. You can update drivers for Windows 10 on Lenovo's home page when the new drivers come out. After you find the drivers, you need to manually install them on Lenovo laptop, desktop PC or notebook computer. For example, if your computer is Lenovo Y570, if it is missing network driver, you can find your driver on the official website.
1.Click Start Menu and choose "Control Panel"
2.Click "Device Manager"
3.Double click the device and right-click the option. Then choose "Update Driver Software ".
4.Select "Search automatically for updated driver software".Get Lenovo Drivers Automatically
In order to get drivers more easily and quickly, you can try to update the drivers with a driver update software. You can get the driver you want with a few clicks. DriverTuner is a useful driver update tool which can scan your computer to detect all corrupted or missing drivers in your computer, then give you best compatible drivers for Windows 10, you can download the drivers automatically. You can get the driver downloaded with only two clicks.
Step1 Download DriverTuner from here
Step2 Install DriverTuner follow the instructions.
Step3 Click "Start Scan"
Step4 After sanning you will see a driver list, chose the driver you want to update and click Download
Step5 Install driver follow the instructions