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When you try to install a program in your computer, you may receive the following error message:

"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed"

Here are some solutions for you to fix Windows Installer error 1719:

One  Start the Windows Installer Service

To start the Windows Installer Service, do these steps:

1.Click Start, and then enter CMD in the Search programs and files window.

2.Right-click cmd.exe, and then choose Run as Administrator.

3.Enter net start MSIServer, and then click ENTER.

Restart the installation process for the application that you want to install.
To check that the Windows Installer Service is running, do these steps:
1.Click Start, enter services.msc in the Search box, and then choose Services under the Programs heading.
2.Right-click Windows Installer in the Services (Local) list, and then click Properties.
3.In the Startup enter drop-down list, check that the value is set to Manual.
4.If the Service status: entryis set to Running, the Windows Installer Service is running 

Two  Uninstall the earlier versions of the application that you want to install

If an earlier version of the application that you want to install is already installed on the computer, try these steps: 
1.Click Start, choose Control Panel, and then click Uninstall a Program under Programs.
2.Choose the program in the list that you want to install.
3.Click Uninstall (or Uninstall/Change in Windows Vista), and then follow the instructions  to uninstall the program .
4.Restart your computer.

5.Restart the installation process for the application  that you want to install.

Three   Fix Windows Installer Error 1719 with SmartPCFixer

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